• Update: 1. März 2025
  • Jungtiere, Züchter

The appearance of the Norwegian Forest Cat

The appearance of the Norwegian Forest Cat:

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a large breed. Males can weigh up to twelve kilograms, cats up to eight. However, these weights are rarely reached. Their semi-longhair coat reaches an impressive density in winter. As late developers, cats of this breed need three to four years until they are fully grown. The desired appearance is described in detail in the breed standard.

The standard of the Norwegian Forest Cat:

General: large

Head / Shape: Triangular, with all sides of equal length; with good height, seen in profile; forehead slightly rounded; long, straight profile without interruption (stop or indentation).

It should be noted here: Nowadays there are two types of Norwegian Forest Cat. The new standard has a head triangle with two sides of equal length. A tapered head triangle. The old standard has a head triangle with sides of equal length. An equilateral triangle.

Chin: strong

Ears / shape: Here, too, there are two characteristics. The old standard has small ears. The new standard, large ears; with good width at the base, pointed; lynx-like tufts of hair and long tufts of hair in the ears.

Placement: High and open, so that the outer line of the ears runs in a line across the cheeks to the chin.

Eyes / Shape: Large and oval, well open, set slightly oblique.

Expression: Alert expression. Wild expression

Eye color: All colors are permitted, regardless of coat color.

Body: Long, robust body with strong bone structure

Legs: Strong, high-legged, with the hind legs higher than the front legs.

Paws: Thick, round and large paws in good proportion to the legs.

Tail: Long and bushy. The length should reach at least to the shoulder blades.

Coat / Structure: Semi-long; the woolly undercoat is covered on the back and flanks by a water-repellent topcoat consisting of long, coarse and glossy guard hairs. A fully coated cat has a shirt chest, a full ruff and knuckle bucks.

Color: All colors are permitted, including all colors with white.

Note: The coat is judged on texture and coat quality only. Very slow development of the cat should be taken into account. Fully developed males may have larger and broader heads than females. The length of the coat and the density of the undercoat vary with the seasons! In kittens, the development of the awn hair can take up to the age of six months.

Uebersetzung: Deepl Uebersetzer

Valentine Fee vom feengarten

Quelle: Buch Ihr Hobby Norwegische Waldkatzen Kieselbach / Walz