• Update: 1. März 2025
  • Jungtiere, Züchter

Keeping and caring for the Norwegian Forest Cat

The attitude

Cat-proof? When a cat comes into your home, the environment must be made cat-proof. Make sure that there are no poisonous plants, cleaning products, medicines and/or chemicals within the cat's reach. Also make sure that all furnishings are secure and cannot tip over if the cat jumps on them.

A second cat? There is no cat that prefers to live alone. The easiest way is to get two cats from the same litter right from the start, as they are sure to get on well together. If you already have a cat, getting used to a young cat of no more than three to four months is the easiest.

Cats and other pets If they are accustomed to each other from an early age, cats get on well with many pets - even dogs and small rodents. However, you should not experiment when playing with small rodents, the natural prey of every cat. Friendships are the exception rather than the rule. Getting used to dogs usually works well when both are still young.

Beware of tilting windows Tilting windows are a deadly trap for cats! If they try to get outside through the narrow gap, they can slip and get their heads stuck between the window and the frame. There are special safety devices on the market that effectively prevent this.

How to train a cat? It is often said that a cat cannot be trained or can only be trained within a narrow framework. This opinion is based on a very specific idea of the term training, which is more akin to dressage. Cats are certainly not as trainable as a dog - the remark is allowed, even if apples are being compared with pears here. They don't do what you want them to do on command. They are not always in the mood for a cuddle or always listen to their name. Nevertheless, they are very capable of learning.

Cats and children? Cats and small children don't seem to go together. Cats tend to be calm and sedate and hate hectic and uncontrolled movements. Small children are still insecure in their movements, often involuntarily rough and loud. However, it has been shown that not only can the interaction work, but children benefit greatly from it!

House-training Cats are very clean animals and get used to going to the litter tray very quickly. Kittens already know this from their time at the breeder. However, if your cat is constantly urinating somewhere in the home, you need to react. If your cat suddenly stops going to the litter tray, it may also be that it needs to be cleaned again.

Uebersetzung: Deepl Uebersetzer

Quelle: Buch Ihr Hobby Norwegische Waldkatzen Kieselbach / Walz


The semi-longhaired cat grooms its magnificent coat almost without help. With her rough tongue, she washes, smoothes and tidies her hair in extended and visibly enjoyable grooming sessions. Preferably after a meal in a cozy spot in the sun. She leaves no part of her body untouched. She washes behind her ears with her moistened paws. She brings her long, bushy tail up to be licked with her paws and her large, pointed claws are nibbled on with her fine incisors.

There is not much left for us to do. Combs and brushes are rarely used. Stroking is generally enough to remove the few dead hairs. Only during the annual major coat change in the spring weeks is it advisable to groom daily with a soft natural hairbrush and carefully remove any tangles in the flank area with a wide-toothed metal comb. Despite our help with grooming, she will occasionally swallow large quantities of dead hair when grooming and then regurgitate it as “pellets”. Although this is a normal process, it can be limited by combing and brushing. Most cats find loving brushing a blessing. In addition, less hair will get stuck on the upholstery.

Forest cats are not normally bathed. A bath may only be necessary if they are extremely dirty or for medical reasons. In this case, only a shampoo expressly approved for cats may be used

In the case of limited soiling (tar or resin), it is gentler to carefully cut off the soiled hair. It will grow back in a few weeks.

Uebersetzung: Deepl Uebersetzer

Quelle: Buch Waldkatzen Ortrun Wagner

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